REST Filter Stands

The REST filter is then taken to an analysis room away from the consignment and place in one of seven analysis stands. A search dog will interrogate the samples under controlled conditions. Provided the dog has not indicated on any of the samples, the agent will receive a statement from the REST operator claiming the shipment to be free from explosives.

The REST analysis stand is made in two sections. The bottom floor-mounted section is bolted to the floor while the top section can be removed and placed in any position within the line of stands.

The training programme takes place by removing the target stand and placing it in different positions within the line, while the dog and handler remain behind a screen to avoid any influences from the handler.

These stands can be used in the same manner for any application i.e detecting narcotics, biomedical, bedbugs etc. Conveniently modified for any sample.

REST Analysis Scent Stand